California Lawmakers Protect the Legal Cannabis Industry by Announcing Non-Cooperation with the Federal Government

Legal Cannabis Industry Entrepreneurs, Enthusiasts, and Spectators:

Recently the Federal Government has publicly stated that it respects medical marijuana usage in States that allow it, but does not support recreational marijuana in any form. This is a departure from the Obama Administration policy on respecting a State’s right to choose how they regulate their own legal cannabis markets, even in recreational States. Many industry experts have opined that there isn’t much that can be done by the Federal Government to put the proverbial “genie back in the bottle”, but it is worth noting the current climate in the industry for further examination. The United States currently has 29 States and the District of Columbia that have passed laws allowing the cannabis industry. Eight of those States and the District of Columbia have passed recreational laws allowing for adult-use, sale, and manufacturing of cannabis.

Just a few days ago, California Lawmakers passed AB-1578, which sends a clear message in response to the Government’s new position regarding recreational cannabis legalization. In general, the Bill stops California law enforcement from communicating, assisting, or working with federal law enforcement on marijuana prohibition activities. The complete Bill text can be found by clicking here.

Looking forward to a bright and promising future here in California.

