Amazon: Can Design Make It a More ‘Human’ Experience?
If you’ve ever searched for something you wanted and then found yourself feeling like you’re being shunted toward things you aren’t entirely sure you want, you’re not alone.
Fast Company’s Mark Wilson took that feeling to the next level, inviting a digital design studio to explore ways to make the Barron’s Next 50 company experience feel like a “more transparent, trusted, and even human service.”
Boston’s Upstatement returned two concepts, riffing off the current Amazon (AMZN), that might—or might not—make you feel differently about using the site, coming up with two main concepts:
• Bring people to the forefront. “We think part of the way to make Amazon feel more human is by bringing in humans,” said Upstatement’s Mike Swartz. “Not by Amazon being the one responsible for all products, but by using it as a world that connects you to people who can lead you to good decisions.”
The company could do that, Swartz suggested, by having the site mix human recommendations—a combination of influencers and media companies, which a user could follow like they already do on social media—with algorithmic results.
• Make the user feel like they have control. Today, it can feel like Amazon wants to throw thousands of results at you as quickly as possible so you can refine them. Upstatement suggested shifting to a plain language search that jump-start the refinement process with the users’ own inputs.
“We thought it was a better positioning for the [search] algorithm,” said Upstatement’s Tito Bottitta. “We know it’s there, but when you feel its effects with no control over it, that’s when you get rubbed the wrong way.”
• It’s perhaps worth noting that since Amazon is already a massive company, and is still growing quickly, it 1) seems to be doing fine without unsolicited opinions about how it ought to work and 2) could be testing just about anything already. But in that same spirit, that’s also arguably why an exercise like this is worth doing: It could offer insights into what might be coming next.