It all started when I turned on the eco-documentary The Clean Bin Project back in June 2013. Up until that point, I wasn’t particularly environmentally aware, but that movie was a huge wake-up call for me. As I watched the devastating effects plastic had on everything around us—our environment, our food, our water, and even the air we breathe—I began to see the true impact I was having on our environment, and I knew I needed to make a change.
That’s when I signed up for my first Plastic-Free July and gave up single-use plastics for one month. That month turned into two months, and then a year. Once I gave up plastic, other benefits popped up—I ate healthier food since I was avoiding the plastic-wrapped processed stuff, and I managed to save more than $5,000 during the first year. Now, I’ve stopped putting out a trash bin entirely. I live according to the principles of refusing, reusing, reducing, sharing, repairing, buying secondhand, and composting and recycling as a last resort, blogging about it on my zero-waste website The Rogue Ginger.
My main motivation has always been responsibility—I don’t believe the next generation should have to be responsible for my choices when I have the ability to make better ones. And now that I’m a mom to a 15-month-old, my motivation runs deeper than ever.