
  • New York Forms Blockchain Study Task Force, Hints at BitLicense Update


    New York State is officially launching a cryptocurrency task force aimed at helping the state understand cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill last month creating the task force to study cryptocurrencies, other forms of digital currency and blockchain technology, according to a press release issued Wednesday by the bill’s sponsor, Assemblyman […]

  • Hackers Demand Bitcoin After Taking Down Dublin’s Tram System Website


    The website of Dublin’s light rail system, Luas, has gone down after it was hacked, the Irish Examiner has reported. Consequently, visitors to the website, which has been offline for more than three hours now, are being greeted with a message that the hacker(s) posted citing their demands. The unidentified hackers are demanding to be paid one bitcoin in […]

  • An Eco-Friendly Wine Tour of New Zealand’s South Island


    Central Otago, North Canterbury and Marlborough are the country’s champions of sustainability. And each showcases what makes New Zealand wine so unique. Ever since a certain hobbit was captured on the big screen, tourism in New Zealandhas been steadily on the rise. So, too, has the world’s consumption of its wines, where 98% of the vineyards […]

  • Apple shares sharply lower in US trading


    Apple shares opened Thursday down more than 9% at $143 after chief executive Tim Cook blamed a slowdown in China sales for falling revenues. On Wednesday, the iPhone maker said it expected revenue of about $84bn for the last three months of 2018, down from a forecast of at least $89bn. The news depressed other […]

  • US shutdown: Democrats to pass funding bills as they take control of House


    US Democrats have vowed to pass bills that would end a government shutdown, when they take control of the House when Congress reconvenes on Thursday. But the bills will not include funding for President Donald Trump’s Mexican border wall, the cause of the shutdown. The impasse will therefore continue, as Republicans still control the Senate […]

  • Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, time to recycle thee


    Local authorities across the country have organised facilities for recycling Christmas trees free of charge. Information on the facilities can be found on local authorities’ websites. Christmas trees can be mulched, and used for compost. Artificial trees, however, cannot be recycled, and are destined for landfill. Of course, trees are not the only leftover waste […]

  • The massive floating device created to clean up plastic in the ocean has broken


    A 2,000-foot-long system created to clean up plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean is broken and being towed back to port for repair. The Ocean Cleanup System 001, a U-shaped floating barrier created by the organization The Ocean Cleanup, arrived in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in October. Ocean garbage patches are formed by rotating […]

  • Extreme flooding has created a complicated new problem in an East Oahu valley


    HONOLULU – An East Oahu nursery that mainly grows native plants for conservation projects is hoping for a fresh start in 2019. Extreme flooding last April swamped Aloha Aina O Kamilo Nui and also created a complicated new problem. The nonprofit that runs the nursery spent about seven months cleaning up and removing debris with […]

  • Environmental impact on health


    The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines the environment in relation to health as “all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related behaviours”. There is no avoiding interaction with the environment as we go about our daily business of living. And as the world changes and gets more polluted, […]

  • 7 Things You Should Know About Cryptocurrency Taxes


    Taxes are just around the corner, including for cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is just like any other asset class when tax season comes around. Unfortunately, cryptocurrency taxes appear so complex that few people file them. Others see cryptocurrency as a means to move money illegally – which means avoiding cryptocurrency taxes entirely. As cryptocurrency becomes more mainstream […]
