Category: Cryptocoin

  • Machine learning can solve the epidemic of ‘fake news’ in cryptocurrency


    Does cryptocurrency have a bad reputation because of misinformation? And how can we sift through the current media discourse and what’s real? Unfortunately, the cryptocurrency market is full of “fake news.” Often it’s a simple manipulation or rumors amplified by nativity, conformity, fear or ignorance. ICOs have tried catching attention by issuing fake partnership news. […]

  • The Token Classification Framework: A multi-dimensional tool for understanding and classifying crypto tokens.


      By Thomas Euler The development of the framework presented in here was a collaborative effort between me and several of my Untitled INC fellows. Peter Trapp was heavily involved in all aspects of the creation, including lending his surprising design prowess to it. Prof. Dr. Andranik Tumasjan of the University of Mainz (and formerly Technical University […]

  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Giant Coinbase is Officially Launching in Japan


    With a presence in 32 countries already, US cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is expanding into Japan, one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency markets. In an announcement on Monday, San Francisco-based Coinbase confirmed the launch of an office in Japan and its plan to work “hand-in-hand” with the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the country’s financial regulator, to ensure it […]

  • Vermont Regulators Hit ICO With Cease-and-Desist Notice


    A company behind an ongoing initial coin offering (ICO) has been issued a cease-and-desist notice from the U.S. state of Vermont.   The Vermont Department of Financial Regulation said Monday that it was sending the cease-and-desist to LevelNet, which according to its website is based in Irving, California. Officials accused the firm of “violations related to the […]

  • An Upcoming Cryptocurrency Is Trialling a Trio of Bitcoin Tech Advances


    “[I’m] very much waiting for you guys to finish in a sea of shitcoins.” With that, pseudonymous forum user ‘Monkeyyy’ just might have summed up the sentiment surrounding a forthcoming cryptocurrency called “grin.” Rising to renown last year as the first software implementation for a code proposal known as MimbleWimble, the idea is to start a new blockchain […]

  • Months After Raising a $100 Million ICO Kik Founder Calls Blockchain”Unconvincing”


    At the True North tech conference earlier this week, Kik CEO Ted Livingston expressed his surprising opinion about blockchain: “Almost nobody should be looking at it.” Kin Founder Belittles the Blockchain What made the statement highly pessimistic is the fact that Livingston raised over $100 million via an Initial Coin Offering for his company in 2017. However, […]

  • This city’s subway system just got new bitcoin ATMs — and it’s not alone


    A bitcoin ATM manufacturer based in Prague says it has installed 10 new cryptocurrency-dispensing machines throughout the European city’s subway system. The company, General Bytes, posted a map on its website showing where the bitcoin ATMs are located in 10 different metro stops in the city of 1.3 million in the Czech Republic. The machines can be used to […]

  • WSJ: Telegram Cancels Plans To Launch Public ICO Due To Abundance Of Funds Already Raised


    The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported today, May 2, that Telegram’s plan to launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) has been scrapped. The fact that the messaging app raised enough money already through their two private ICO rounds was cited as the reason for the decision. An unnamed source told the WSJ that Telegram has decided not to hold […]

  • Tokenising Shares: Introducing ERC-884


    The Delaware State Legislature recently passed Delaware State Senate, 149th General Assembly, Senate Bill №69: An act to Amend Title 8 of the Delaware Code Relating to the General Corporation Law, henceforth referred to as ‘The Act’. As a result, Delaware General Corporation Law now explicitly allows for the use of blockchains to maintain corporate share […]

  • Delaware New Company Law Green Lights Tokenization of Stocks and Shares


    America’s most popular destination for company incorporation has updated its laws to allow for the tokenization of public or private stocks and shares. Two-thirds of all members elected to each house in the state of Delaware have passed a number of amendments that legally allow for the use of blockchain technology to maintain corporate share registries. […]
