Category: HaulTail

  • Attacking Global Warming by Adding CO2 to the Atmosphere? Stanford Researchers Have a Plan


    By Ryan Johnson Here’s a novel approach to reversing global warming: Let’s put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. No, seriously. Returning the atmosphere to a preindustrial level of methane by converting it to CO2 is the subject of a new research paper out of Stanford. Researchers at Stanford University this week proposed a new […]

  • Should We Be Calling Climate Change a ‘Climate Crisis’?


    By Christopher Thompson How we talk about climate change is rapidly shifting as the ramifications of unchecked carbon pollution become ever clearer. The Guardian sped that shift along last week, when it updated its style guide to encourage reporters to refer to climate change as a “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and using “global heating” […]

  • Plastic Recycling Still Has A Long Way To Go


    By Ryan Johnson A new report from the Center for International Environmental Law has examined the environmental impact of plastic production and incineration. It found that the plastic lifecycle will add 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere this year, equal to the emissions from 189 500 megawatt coal-fired power plants. Emissions […]

  • Hudson River Park To Reduce Plastic Pollution In Manhattan


    By Christopher Thompson Hudson River Park has gotten about half of its tenants to sign onto an agreement to scrap single-use plastics. Manhattan’s west side park has launched a program aimed to reduce single-use plastics. The Hudson River Park Trust announced a new plan — “Park Over Plastic” — to reduce plastic pollution in the […]

  • Plastic straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers to be banned in England


    By Ryan Johnson Government confirms ban on sale and use of items from April next year Plastic straws and drink stirrers, and cotton buds with plastic stems will be banned from sale and use in England from next April, the government has confirmed. The move, which has been in the offing for more than a […]

  • What is Italy doing about the shocking level of plastic pollution on its coastline?


    By Christopher Thompson After the release of alarming new figures showing the extent of plastic pollution on Italian beaches, and the sad news that another whale has washed up in Italy with a stomach full of plastic, we look at what Italy is doing to clean up its coastline. Environmental campaigners in Italy raised the […]

  • These shoes are running a campaign to keep the oceans plastic-free


    By Christopher Thompson Adidas is using plastic recovered from the seas to make shoes, jerseys and football kits With eight million tonnes of plastic dumped annually into the sea, the world is faced with the grim prospect of more plastic in the oceans than fish by 2050. To avert this environmental calamity, several voluntary groups […]

  • Malaysia, flooded with plastic waste, to send back some scrap to source


    By Ryan Johnson Malaysia, which has become the dumping ground for the world’s plastic waste, will send back non-recyclable plastic scrap to the developed countries that sent it there, its environment minister said on Tuesday. Malaysia last year became the leading alternative destination for plastic scrap after China banned imports of such waste, disrupting the […]

  • Why don’t Republicans care about the environment?


    By Christopher Thompson Conservation is a conservative value Why do conservatives oppose preserving the environment? Why do they fail to address the pollution of the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink? Why do they oppose regulating the plastic waste that destroys habitats and causes the extinction of species? If […]



    By Ryan Johnson New research suggests that, due to global warming, storm-related deaths in developing nations could increase by as much as 52 percent. Weeks after the deadly cyclone Idai tore through Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique, the human toll is still being tallied. Entire communities remain submerged, more than a thousand people lost their lives—more […]
