Category: HaulTail
New York’s Natural Gas Pipeline Ban: Unconstitutional, Bad For The Environment, Economy & Consumers
byBy Ryan Johnson Most of our political evils may be traced to our commercial ones.” – James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 1786 When the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention convened in Philadelphia in 1787, foremost among their concerns was addressing the growing tendency among states to tax or inhibit their neighbors’ commercial trade. New […]
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UN environment warning: 10 key points and what Australia must do
byBy Christopher Thompson From native species to Indigenous land management and water efficiency: Australia’s role in the extinction crisis A devastating new UN report shows the planet is in serious danger from the accelerating decline of the Earth’s natural life-support systems. Here we look at 10 of the key points from the report – and […]
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As air pollution increases in US cities, the Trump administration is weakening clean air regulations
byBy Ryan Johnson Whether conditions worsen or improve depends strongly on decisions by President Trump and his EPA administrator Air pollution kills. In the United States, 1 of every 25 deaths occurs prematurely because of exposure to outdoor air pollution. It kills more Americans than all transportation accidents and gun shootings combined. More than diabetes […]
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Sea sick: Plastic garbage in the North Atlantic Ocean skyrocketing
byBy Christopher Thompson Sure, we all know there’s always more fish in the sea. But there’s also plenty more plastic garbage. Since 1957, scientific gear used to measure plankton in the north Atlantic Ocean has been clogged by plastic trash some 669 times. Almost all of those snarls have occurred since the late 1990s, showcasing […]
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The plastic in our bodies
byBy Ryan Johnson Nobody, it seemed, had thought to look before. When two Austrian scientists discovered last year that it’s likely most people have plastic inside their bodies, it wasn’t because they had invented some new, complicated scientific method. It was because they were the first to check. Their approach was simple. They asked eight […]
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Arctic nations to meet amid tensions over environment, resources
byBy Christopher Thompson Top diplomats from the United States, Russia and other nations which border the Arctic meet in Finland on Monday to discuss policies governing the polar region, as tensions grow over how to deal with global warming and access to mineral wealth. Countries have been scrambling to claim territory or, like China, boost […]
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Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth’s natural life
byBy Ryan Johnson Scientists reveal one million species at risk of extinction in damning UN report Human society is in jeopardy from the accelerating decline of the Earth’s natural life-support systems, the world’s leading scientists have warned, as they announced the results of the most thorough planetary health check ever undertaken. From coral reefs flickering […]
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How to make a green getaway with an environmentally friendly holiday
byBy Christopher Thompson There are many simple steps to help green tourism without limiting your horizons, says Thomas Breathnach Green tourism, eco-friendly, carbon-footprints. They’re the travel buzzwords of our generation. However, while many cultural campaigns tend to trend and fade, there’s a real stand-out factor when it comes to the sustainable travel movement. The truth […]
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Turns Out You Can Fall 70 Feet Into Kīlauea Volcano and Survive
byBy Ryan Johnson Not that you should follow this man’s lead. One year ago, the Hawaiian volcano Kīlauea began erupting and continued for several months, eventually destroying hundreds of homes, displacing thousands of citizens, closing national parks, creating new islands, and changing Hawaii’s coastline. When all was said and done, Kīlauea’s eruption was the worst […]
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byBy Christopher Thompson While banning or reducing the use of plastic bags and straws has become a headline cause for brands, governments and environmental activists in recent years, cigarette butts are actually the most littered waste stream on the planet. With some six trillion butts polluting the Earth each year, smoking isn’t just a public […]