Category: Marketing
15 Tips for Small Businesses with Websites
byBy Philip Martin Russell Brunson says small businesses don’t need a website any more, they just need a sales funnel. But your web presence doesn’t have to be hosted on ClickFunnels to effectively drive customers to call you up, or book an appointment or session. His broader point is valid, though: What’s the use of a website […]
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Do digital nomads have to register their company in their ‘home country’?
byHere’s why that isn’t always a good idea. An increasing number of people can work online from anywhere. They are often described as ‘digital nomads’ because many of them use that freedom to travel at the same time, but this is part of a much broader trend towards location-independence for everyone. Thanks to the internet and […]
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AI Is Transforming Healthcare as We Know It. Here’s a Look at the Future — and the Opportunities for Entrepreneurs.
byArtificial intelligence companies are taking on the health industry with big results for consumers. Here are the pros, cons and potential business opportunities. Try to conceptualize all the medical knowledge in the world. How many books would it fill? How many topics would it cover? How many years would it take to learn in its […]
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People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves.
byWhat Apple, Samsung, and Starbucks learned from Pepsi. The year was 1957, and Pepsi — like many of the youth at that time — was dealing with an identity crisis. Despite efforts from marketers, Pepsi was being outsold by its biggest competitor and perpetual market leader — Coke — by a factor just shy of six to one, even as it was selling at […]
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Laying the Pipes of a Post-Advertising World
byThe shift from brands and advertising to pipes and subscriptions is inevitable — and well underway. Want proof? Look to Disney. Terms like ‘Disneyflix’ and ‘Apple Prime’ essentially describe how the most powerful global brand owners are coming to terms with the new rules of engagement. This is not just another story of new versus old, it’s a fundamental shift in the […]
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Content Strategy for Startups: The Complete Guide
byBy Alan Hemp How to stop wasting time and money on useless content. Most startups are creating content, but chances are that it’s costing more money than it’s worth. The biggest reason? Lack of strategy and reliance on guesswork. Working as a Content Strategist for startups and enterprises, I’ve seen first hand the types of problems that bad […]
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4 Ways Managers Can Support Women’s Leadership Development
by“The zeitgeist is changing,” Sallie Krawcheck wrote last November, “from women working to be successful individually to working to be successful together.” Recent research on the gender leadership gap confirms the benefits of women supporting women. Both male and female survey respondents were more likely to perceive that they had access into informal leadership development opportunities when they saw that their […]
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Socrates – What Makes Someone Wise?
byby William Cho, Student Voices Imagine you lived in a town where an ugly, big nosed and smelly man walked around undermining your intelligence. You’re sweeping your yard or doing the laundry outside, minding your business, when this notorious man walks up to you and strikes up a conversation with you. His physical ugliness and […]
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Simple Ways to Measure Success of Influencer Marketing Campaigns
byYou can expect this trend to continue. In fact, in a study by Tomoson, influencer marketing was rated as the fastest-growing online customer-acquisition channel, beating organic search, paid search, and email marketing. 59% of marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets over the next 12 months. But even as influencer marketing enters the mainstream, and more […]
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The 1 Thing Nobody Understands About Content Creation
byYou’re asking the wrong question. Content creation isn’t about coming up with one brilliant idea. This is what very few people understand about winning the content creation game. You’re a designer. You’re a photographer. You’re a writer. You’re a columnist. You’re a creative agency. You’re creating content for your clients. Guess what — you’re all doing it wrong. […]