Category: obitx

  • Blockchain explained in 1000 words


    By Laura Desmond Has trying to understand blockchain ever left you dazed and confused? Sick of hearing nonsense like SHA256 algorithms and byzantine fault tolerance? Just want to know what the hell blockchain is and why people keep talking about it? Well you’re in luck. In this article, I’ll explain in plain English what blockchain […]

  • The ultimate guide to proper use of animation in UX


    By  T  Rakitskiy Nowadays it’s hard to impress or even surprise with an interface animation. It shows interactions between screens, explains how to use the application or simply directs a user’s attention. While exploring the articles about animation, I found out that almost all of them describe only specific use cases or general facts about […]

  • The Bazaar of Data


    Have you ever been to the Bazaar*? It is an endless oriental market that you can stroll around for days finding something new around every corner. Full of goods, species and tastes. Even if you have never actually experienced it, you probably saw an example of one in the Aladin movies, and it’s good enough […]

  • How cryptocurrencies actually work


    By Laura Desmond A simplified introduction to transactions and ledgers Prior articles posted described how to build a simple blockchain and how to learn how to code elliptic curve cryptography. This gave the step by step guide on how to implement some basic functions of blockchain technology. I would kindly recommend to read those articles first […]

  • What on Earth happened to ICOs?


    Keep your pants on for now. ICOs are having a hard time, but they are not dead. The ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) are in deep trouble. When a year ago a typical shelf company with 20 selfies as a team and shady whitepaper with no product, no money and no skills could raise millions of $. […]

  • Blockchain smart contracts: avoid the pitfalls


    By Laura Desmond 9 factors to address when architecting your smart contracts Smart contracts, a primary focus of distributed applications on blockchain technologies, are a key area expected to deliver disruption. But while there is strong potential, there are challenges to overcome. Many of the business implications are specific to the nature of cryptocurrency smart […]

  • 10 things blockchain isn’t


    By Laura Desmond Even in 2017 blockchain technology was considered overhyped. Everybody and their cousin began to believe that blockchain was going to disrupt every industry, change the face of the earth, and make obscure ICO investors millions in the process. This hype and excitement around cryptocurrencies led people to believe some crazy things about blockchain […]

  • Public Sale of Venezuela’s State Crypto Petro to Commence on November 5


    With the Petro now officially launched, the public sale of the state-backed cryptocurrency will begin early next month. In a televised address on October 1 during Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro announced that the public sale of the Petro will kick off on November 5. Though he did not list names, Maduro also indicated that the state-backed cryptocurrency is currently […]

  • Lessons Learned for Crypto and Blockchain


    Should you be HODLing or FODLing? This time last year, you were jetting off to Switzerland to attend a blockchain conference, where you were told that blockchain was the new religion, that every industry was going to be disrupted, and decentralized apps (dapps) were going to revolutionize the world. You watched ICO after ICO parade up […]

  • Google Bans Obfuscated Chrome Extensions to Cryptojackers’ Woe


    Technology behemoth Google announced it will be taking crucial steps to ban any browser extensions that could potentially be targeting internet users’ digital assets. According to a recent press release, the company announced some of their upcoming plans to provide Chrome user’s with even more privacy and security when adding extensions to their browsers. And, not […]
