Tag: America’s recycling system

  • Can Robots Help Pick Up after the Recycling Crisis?


    By Ryan Johnson They will have to overcome the challenges of America’s convenient single-stream recycling system Nobody wants to spend hours picking through a steady stream of garbage; this is why many recycling operations rely on automated systems to separate plastic containers, glass bottles, aluminum cans and mixed paper. But these systems have an imperfect […]

  • Is This the End of Recycling?


    Americans are consuming more and more stuff. Now that other countries won’t take our papers and plastics, they’re ending up in the trash. After decades of earnest public-information campaigns, Americans are finally recycling. Airports, malls, schools, and office buildings across the country have bins for plastic bottles and aluminum cans and newspapers. In some cities, […]

  • America has a recycling problem. Here’s how to solve it.


    Last year, America’s recycling system broke down. Ostensibly, China did the breaking. For years, China was home base for most of the world’s recycling, importing two-thirds of global plastic waste in 2016. Over the last 30 years, America and other countries have shipped more than 10 million metric tons of plastic to China. That came […]
