Tag: Blog Certified

  • Ford Cars Safety Recall: 1.3 Million Fusion, Lincoln & Focus Vehicles Affected


    Ford Motor Company announced Wednesday it was recalling over 1.3 million vehicles over safety concerns. The models affected are Fusion, Lincoln MKZ and Focus, and most of the recalled vehicles were sold in the United States. The Dearborn, Michigan, company said it was “issuing a safety recall in North America for approximately 1.3 million 2014-18 […]

  • Google to ban ads promoting cryptocurrencies


    NEW DELHI: Tech giant Google has announced that as per its upcoming Financial services policy, it will prohibit advertisements promoting any kind of cryptocurrencies. The company in an official note stated that the new policy will contain measures to restrict the advertisement of Contracts for Difference, rolling spot foreign exchange (ForEx) and financial spread betting. […]

  • IMF’s Lagarde says cooperation needed to keep crypto-assets safe


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Governments and central banks need to collaborate on developing regulations for crypto-assets to prevent them from becoming a new vehicle for money laundering and terrorist financing, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Wednesday. In a blog posting ahead of a meeting of Group of 20 finance leaders next week, […]

  • U.S. Kept Silent About Its Role in Another Firefight in Niger


    WASHINGTON — Green Berets working with government forces in Niger killed 11 Islamic State militants in a firefight in December, the American military acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday. The battle occurred two months after four United States soldiers died in an ambush in another part of Niger — and after senior commanders had […]

  • Perpetuity | Palmyra Is A Vital VR Project To Preserve Syrian Culture


    The destruction of Syrian heritage by terror group ISIS is being combated with a new weapon: VR. This month non-profit organization The Arc/k Project launched a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign for Perpetuity | Palmyra, a VR app that aims to virtually restore the historic Syrian site of Palmyra, an ancient city that was destroyed by insurgents […]

  • Legendary Bob Mackie will design costumes for ‘The Cher Show’ musical


    Fans of “The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour” television series from the 1970s will vividly remember the thousands of fabulous and sometimes outrageous gowns and costumes sported by Cher throughout the run of the show. The man behind the fashion was legendary designer Bob Mackie, who became a longtime couture collaborator with the singer throughout […]

  • The Only Headphones For An Active Lifestyle


    With sunny spring weather just around the corner, a lot of would-be fitness buffs are getting excited to hit the roads and get running — and that means prioritizing the tunes. Some runners use music to pace their movements, others to push themselves further and faster, while still others use music as entertainment during a […]

  • SS18 beauty trends: French Parisian patisserie colours and healthy nudes


    For Spring/Summer 2018 beauty, makeup moves beyond what it looks like and artists are exploring the myriad of moods that makeup can ignite and convey. In their Spring/Summer 2018 reveal, MAC states that “the days of artists dictating makeup trends that we should slavishly copy are a thing of the past.” Before anyone thinks anything […]

  • Why Merkel May Give Up Germany’s Shot to Lead the ECB


    By all rights, it’s Germany’s turn for one of the biggest political plums in Europe: the chance to name the next president of the European Central Bank. Chancellor Angela Merkel may be prepared to trade that for other items on her agenda. Merkel’s political partners say they’re potentially willing to concede Germany’s chit. The tradeoff: […]

  • Will Amazon Disrupt the Online Travel Industry?


    Amazon failed to disrupt the OTA market back in 2015. Is it time to try again? Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) could eventually challenge Booking (NASDAQ:BKNG) and Expedia (NASDAQ:EXPE) in the online travel market according to Morgan Stanley analyst Brian Nowak. In a note to investors, Nowak claimed that Amazon’s “focus on selection/service, pricing, and frictionless payment that drive […]
