Tag: Christmas 2018

  • Gift Guide: Gifts for Bird Lovers


    The holiday season (or any time of the year) is a great time to give gifts that help out your local wild birds. Even if it’s a gift for yourself! Here are five gifts ideas that will help you provide the basics of habitat for wild birds right outside your door and to create a […]

  • Gift Guide | 5 MORE Eco-Friendly Gifts for the Holiday Season


    Being more considerate about our environment isn’t exactly something everyone thinks about when it comes to buying gifts for others. And choosing something that’s not only cute but eco-friendly isn’t always easy. There’s been plenty of times I didn’t realize until last minute it was someone’s birthday (thanks, Facebook!) or that a holiday creeped up […]

  • Gift Guide| 5 Eco-Friendly Gifts


    Being more considerate about our environment isn’t exactly something everyone thinks about when it comes to buying gifts for others. And choosing something that’s not only cute but eco-friendly isn’t always easy. There’s been plenty of times I didn’t realize until last minute it was someone’s birthday (thanks, Facebook!) or that a holiday creeped up […]

  • DIY Apple Butter for Your Holiday Gift List


    Got a lot of people on your list? You can make a huge batch of caramel apple butter in your slow cooker. Just divide it into jars, add colorful tags, and give them out to your recipients. The recipe uses fresh apples, brown sugar, caramel, and spices for a sweet treat your friends are sure […]

  • Stop Tossing Burnt Out Christmas Lights! Recycle Instead!


    Replacing old compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and fluorescent light strips with LED lights is an environmental and ultimately money-saving decision. The same goes for holiday lights and strands, even though you only use them for a few weeks out of a year and they continue to work. LEDs don’t heat up like other types […]

  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle these DIY Christmas Decorations


    THE spooky season has come to pass. Halloween costumes and decorations are now a thing of the past. Now, it’s time to make way for Christmas! Here is a list of ideas for Christmas decorations one can make, especially if the budget for the holidays was already allocated for gifts and the most awaited Noche […]
