Tag: Cryptocurrency
Breaking the Ice in Crypto: Are We Ready for Insurance?
byOver the years, we have witnessed many hacks, violations, frauds, and lots of money disappearing virtually overnight. Transparency still remains one of the greatest challenges in crypto businesses. Criminal activities, like exchange hacks or ICO scams, as we have seen in the past, have greater implications for the prices of cryptocurrencies and the general crypto market […]
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The Next Generation of Blockchain Startups Will Be a Convergence of Utility Tokens and Private Equity
byBy Laura Desmond In the modern scenario where we have Tokens, ICOs, Private Equity, and IPOs, how the fusion of these financials instruments can help enterprise companies and startups to create new values and in a SEC compliant way? The 2017’s ICO bubble was not only a bad thing, because a lot of projects […]
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Hacked, scammed and on your own: navigating cryptocurrency ‘wild west’
byNEW YORK – When Peggy and Marco Lachmann-Anke learned in January that hackers cracked a 40-character password and cleaned out their cryptocurrency wallet, they did not go to the police or alert the tokens’ issuer, the Berlin-based technology group IOTA. They bought more coins. The Cyprus-based German couple, who describe themselves as financial educators, figured […]
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Pantera Capital Exec: Cryptocurrency Market Prices Could Increase Tenfold by 2020
byCryptocurrency markets could increase ten times over from 2020, blockchain investment firm and hedge fund Pantera Capital’s co-CIO told Bloomberg Tuesday, Oct. 16. Speaking in an interview, co-CIO Joey Krug said that scalability improvements for Bitcoin (BTC) were essential to spark a shift in the deflated prices seen throughout this year. He told the network: “These are all markets, and so if you […]
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Switzerland, not Silicon, is the valley incubating Crypto Startups with friendly policies.
byWhen you think of Switzerland, what do you think of? Skiing? Chocolate? Cheese? Mountains? Women named Heidi skiing in the mountains while eating chocolate and cheese? Switzerland certainly has all those things, although I’ve yet to meet a Swiss named Heidi (I live in the Italian part so I’m far more likely to meet Giulia). […]
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The Ghost Advisors of the Blockchain
byOr a guide for management teams on how to choose your advisors Six months before Mr X. was barely known, he might not even know about the Blockchain. And now he is proudly broadcasted in major rating websites as one of the top ten best advisor of the sector. He is one of the ghost advisors […]
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What Led the World’s Largest Brokerage to Fully Integrate Crypto After 1 Year of Testing?
byIn late 2017, Fidelity, one of the largest brokerages and asset managers with 7.2 trillion in assets under management as of October 2018, launched its first crypto initiative. By partnering with Coinbase, the biggest crypto-to-fiat exchange in the global market, Fidelity enabled its clients to track investments in major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum through […]
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The Bicycle, Umbrella and now, Cryptocurrency
byThe recurring challenge of social acceptance for witty technological advancements There is such anger and negative sentiment towards cryptocurrency today. Every day I hear some form of witty argument to counter the use and effectiveness of the blockchain technology. With the manner of words expressed today, you would think crypto will fall into obscurity. So the […]
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Why isn’t Bitcoin banned everywhere?
byWhen I first heard of Bitcoin, it sounded like something out of a dystopian sci-fi novel. Digital, cryptographic, uncensorable money? It seemed such a radical idea, it couldn’t possibly belong in this decade. But if it did — if Bitcoin were to go mainstream — I was convinced it would lead to a massive geopolitical disruption, shifting the power […]
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Soaring Inflation Sends Bitcoin Trading Volume to New High in Venezuela
byThe amount of Venezuelan bolivars being spent to purchase bitcoin has risen to record levels as the South American country experiences unprecedented hyperinflation and a worsening economic crisis. Per Coin Dance, bitcoins worth nearly 900 million bolivars have been traded so far this week in Venezuela, and this is already higher than last’s week volume of slightly over […]