Tag: driver

  • The In’s and Out’s of Recycling Batteries!


    There are many people who ask, “Can you recycle batteries?” or “How are batteries recycled?” The answer is that you can recycle all types of batteries. Before you recycle your batteries, you should know more about the recycling process that each of the major chemical components will go through. This will help you understand why […]

  • Tips to Keep Your Office Green by Recycling!


    Here is some food for thought: a grim nine-tenths of all waste generated in the United States does not get recycled, and we typically recycle only 30% of what is considered recyclable waste. Moreover, tons of our paper, cardboard, and plastic waste come from offices—to give you some perspective, the average American office worker can […]

  • Reusable Goods to Help Keep Your Home Eco-Friendly


    You have hundreds of choices when it comes to reusable products vs. disposable products. Even if you just choose just five or ten of these choices, and use them year-round, it’ll cut down on your disposable footprint, save you money and make a big difference for the planet. *NOTE: All estimates below are based on […]

  • 5 Household Item That Harm the Environment!


    Living a holistically eco-friendly lifestyle and working to protect the environment begins at the home. Our lives are centered around our houses. It’s the place our families gather and where we start and end each day, so it’s vital to ensure you are following sustainable practices in the home. Many are aware of some typical […]

  • Why is There So Much Confusion Around Recycling in the UK?


    Almost one in 10 even admitted they are unclear if glass can be recycled and another one in 10 are confused over what to do with their old cardboard boxes. The study also found two in three Brits are worried about packaging and the types of materials used to package their favourite products, yet 56 […]

  • Oregon Sets up Fees for Recycle Contamination


    When people recycle, part of the necessary effort is to put the paper, plastic and metals in the right bins. But often they don’t, and that leads to contamination fees. Clay Warner, the recycling manager for Garten in Salem, told KOIN 6 News he receives load after load of recyclables around Marion County. But every […]

  • There is Plastic in Your Beer…but WHY?


    From tampons to tea bags, it seems nothing is safe from plastic and now, there’s new evidence to suggest it’s even in your pint. A study published in the journal Public Library of Science details how scientists detected microplastics in the liquid from 12 American beers. It follows research  in 2014, which found tiny plastic […]

  • Why Can’t We Recycle Crips Packages?


    20 million crisp packets are produced everyday in the UK. Crisp packets and their environmental impact have become something of a national issue in recent months, so much so that campaigners have actually started posting used packets to Walkers because they can’t be recycled. The backlash has been so significant that the Royal Mail is now asking […]

  • Recycling in Asheville: The Do’s and Don’ts


    Today, we’re diving into an topic which is near and dear to many Ashevillians – Recycling. Here’s a look at how it works locally, what is accepted, where to bring your non-standard items + more. ♻ The basics: Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators (plus, keeping it out of streets, […]

  • New Recycling Label to Help Take the Confusion Out of Disposing of Waste


    Many supermarket products come in plastic or cardboard packets, and Australians diligently try to recycle them, but figuring out what goes in which bin can be complicated. In an attempt to make the process easier, a new, nationally consistent label has been developed. It was launched today and has already started appearing on some packaging. […]
