Tag: hodl

  • Lessons Learned for Crypto and Blockchain


    Should you be HODLing or FODLing? This time last year, you were jetting off to Switzerland to attend a blockchain conference, where you were told that blockchain was the new religion, that every industry was going to be disrupted, and decentralized apps (dapps) were going to revolutionize the world. You watched ICO after ICO parade up […]

  • In Praise of HODL


    By Laura Desmond Part 1. Heeding the Call The origins of the word HODL — a cornerstone of a Bitcoin investor’s vocabulary — came from a resolution voiced on a forum in 2013. It was the verbalization of a man (possibly half-inebriated) of a newfound creed. He admitted that he had been tempted by those around him to trade his way to riches; […]
