Tag: life

  • One Day You Might Not Be Able To Eat This


    Spring has sprung. In honor of the season, this week I’ll be featuring recipes using honey and, to kick things off, below you’ll find a recipe for honey roasted tomatoes. This recipe wouldn’t be possible without bees and we’re verging on a world where that scenario is becoming increasingly likely. I’ve interviewed a couple Philadelphia-area […]

  • Air Pollution in Europe reducing life span


    The average person living in Europe loses two years of their life to the health effects of breathing polluted air, according to a report published in the European Heart Journal on March 12. The report also estimates about 800,000 people die prematurely in Europe per year due to air pollution, or roughly 17% of the […]

  • The Power Of Doing Only One Thing.


    This idea of doing only one thing was sparked by an event that happened this week. I decided to delete all podcasts on my phone and only keep the Tim Ferriss Show. In other areas of my life, I’ve done the same. “I’ve selectively gone into each area and chosen one thing” All the other things […]

  • Two Things You Should Focus On Instead of Social Media


    By John V.M Two Things You Should Focus On Instead of Social Media If you want to be successful. Every Monday and Wednesday, I pay a guy to push my heart rate into the stratosphere and turn my muscles into mush. His name is Tyler, and he’s my personal trainer. For years, I worked out on […]

  • Pursuing Instagram: Our Culture and the Vain Pursuit of an Illusion


    Something occurred to me during one of my self analytical sessions when I actually take the time to consider who I am, what motivates me and what I want. People are obsessed with popularity, comparison and being “happy”. Most people do not know what any of these actually mean, especially not the happy thing. So […]

  • How to Be Ready to Lose Your Job


    Land on your feet when you suspect bad news is looming Last year, I lost my job when the owner of the website I worked for shuttered it over a union dispute. He had been threatening the shutdown for some time, and though we didn’t know for sure what was going to happen, the air […]

  • The Two Types of Relationship We Form — and Which Is Better


    Martin Buber was nominated for the Nobel Prize 17 times: 10 for Literature; 7 for Peace. He is primarily known for his work on the philosophy of dialogue, which deals with the complexity of relationships: their different forms, what they accomplish, and how they mature. Interestingly enough, he didn’t particularly like being described as a […]

  • Socrates – What Makes Someone Wise?


    by William Cho, Student Voices Imagine you lived in a town where an ugly, big nosed and smelly man walked around undermining your intelligence. You’re sweeping your yard or doing the laundry outside, minding your business, when this notorious man walks up to you and strikes up a conversation with you. His physical ugliness and […]
