Tag: News

  • Diesel average rises 1.5 cents to $3.093 per gallon, reports EIA


    This marks the sixth time in the last eight weeks has seen a gain, and it also marked the eighth consecutive week that the national diesel average has topped the $3 per gallon mark. Following a slight decline last week, the national average price per gallon for diesel gasoline increased 1.5 cents this week to […]

  • Climate change will crush real estate values for investors who don’t prepare, new report says


    For any investor, measuring opportunity against risk is critical. And for real estate investors in particular, risk is rising exponentially in the age of climate change. To that end, big real estate firms are pouring significant resources into calculating climate risk and its likely effect on property portfolios—everything from increasingly extreme weather to sea-level rise. […]

  • Global warming is shrinking glaciers faster than we thought


    Earth’s glaciers are melting much faster than scientists thought. A new study shows they are losing 369 billion tons of snow and ice each year, more than half of that in North America. The most comprehensive measurement of glaciers worldwide found that thousands of inland masses of snow compressed into ice are shrinking 18 percent […]

  • The Future of Blockchain Companies


    When fictional entrepreneur Richard Hendricks from HBO’s Silicon Valley was prompted to elaborate on what he would build if given unlimited time and resources, his answer practically sparked countless Reddit discussions about its possibility in the real world. We could build a completely decentralized version of our current internet, with no firewalls, no tolls, no […]

  • Blockchain Society: Trustless Blockchain does not scale; A technical summary.


    In my previous article, Blockchain’s Broken Promises, I skipped the tech jargon and the details in order to be understood by a wider audience. But it is a long read. For people who understand tech, the article can be much shorter: A fully trust-less blockchain can not scale to replace e-banking There are no truly […]

  • Going, going green: How to choose travel that’s eco friendly


    We can help make travel more eco-friendly based on the choices we make — the cars we rent, the hotels where we stay, the airlines we fly, even the countries we visit can make a difference. For anyone hoping to reduce the carbon consequences of travel, here are some suggestions for greener trips: Choose a […]

  • California fails a big recycling challenge


    In California, we pay deposits on the packaged beverages we buy and are entitled to get our nickels back or see them used to improve recycling and protect our environment. Instead, consumers are forfeiting almost half of every nickel, recycling centers are closing right and left, and the quality of recycling is dropping.  The consumers […]

  • A natural solution to the climate disaster


    Climate and ecological crises can be tackled by restoring forests and other valuable ecosystems, say scientists and activists The world faces two existential crises, developing with terrifying speed: climate breakdown and ecological breakdown. Neither is being addressed with the urgency needed to prevent our life-support systems from spiralling into collapse. We are writing to champion […]

  • Marine plastic pollution costs the world up to $2.5tn a year, researchers find


    Scientists warn that social and economic price of plastic waste to global society has been underestimated Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans costs society billions of dollars every year in damaged and lost resources, research has found. Fisheries, aquaculture, recreational activities and global wellbeing are all negatively affected by plastic pollution, with an estimated 1-5% […]

  • Novel Hawaiian communities operate similarly to native ecosystems


    On the Hawaiian island of Oahu, it is possible to stand in a lush tropical forest that doesn’t contain a single native plant. The birds that once dispersed native seeds are almost entirely gone too, leaving a brand-new ecological community composed of introduced plants and birds. In a first-of-its-kind study published today in Science, researchers […]
