Tag: News
The End of Mammals
byHumanity has a very suspect ability to empathize with life. As humans, the most evolved Mammals on Earth, we’re actually the cause of the 6th mass extinction, a catastrophic loss of biodiversity due to our impact on our home planet’s ecosystem. As Mammals, we might have some inherent blind-spot in being able to empathize with […]
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One Day You Might Not Be Able To Eat This
bySpring has sprung. In honor of the season, this week I’ll be featuring recipes using honey and, to kick things off, below you’ll find a recipe for honey roasted tomatoes. This recipe wouldn’t be possible without bees and we’re verging on a world where that scenario is becoming increasingly likely. I’ve interviewed a couple Philadelphia-area […]
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Are Travelers Creating Too Much Plastic Waste?
byHow many plastic products do you use every day? Today I’ve already used a toothbrush, a shampoo bottle, a water bottle, a takeaway coffee cup and straw, and plastic bags. And what happens to all that disposable plastic when we’re done with it? 19 billion (yes with a b) pounds of the plastic waste end […]
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Glass, paper might no longer be recycled in Tucson
byThe glass bottles and newspapers that Tucsonans have put into blue recycling bins for decades may soon be heading to the landfill. Because of sharply escalating financial losses in the city’s recycling program, officials say it might have to stop taking these recycling mainstays until markets recover nationally or globally. The markets for these products […]
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Fed Researcher Warns Climate Change Could Spur Financial Crisis
byClimate change is becoming increasingly relevant to central bankers because losses from natural disasters that are magnified by higher temperatures and elevated sea levels could spark a financial crisis, a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco researcher found. “Climate-related financial risks could affect the economy through elevated credit spreads, greater precautionary saving, and, in the […]
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‘Coal is on the way out’: study finds fossil fuel now pricier than solar or wind
byAround 75% of coal production is more expensive than renewables, with industry out-competed on cost by 2025 Around three-quarters of US coal production is now more expensive than solar and wind energy in providing electricity to American households, according to a new study. “Even without major policy shift we will continue to see coal retire […]
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War on plastics: Hawaii, New Jersey propose toughest bans in the country
byegislators in Hawaii and New Jersey are considering the toughest statewide plastic and Styrofoam bans in the country, in moves that could usher in a wave of anti-plastic legislation. New Jersey’s proposed law would ban Styrofoam beverage and food containers, plastic bags and plastic straws from all retailers and restaurants in the state. “The goal […]
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Why fear and anger are rational responses to climate change
byNot everyone cheered for the school children striking against climate change. In the US, democratic senator Dianne Feinstein accused them of “my way or the highway” thinking. German Liberal Democrats leader Christian Lindner said that the protesters don’t yet understand “what’s technically and economically possible”, and should leave that to experts instead. The UK’s prime […]
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Air Pollution in Europe reducing life span
byThe average person living in Europe loses two years of their life to the health effects of breathing polluted air, according to a report published in the European Heart Journal on March 12. The report also estimates about 800,000 people die prematurely in Europe per year due to air pollution, or roughly 17% of the […]
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Hawaii bills push 1st state ban on plastics in restaurants
byHawaii would be the first state in the U.S. to ban most plastics at restaurants under legislation that aims to cut down on waste that pollutes the ocean. Dozens of cities across the country have banned plastic foam containers, but Hawaii’s measure would make it the first state to do so. The liberal state has […]