Tag: North Atlantic Ocean

  • Sea sick: Plastic garbage in the North Atlantic Ocean skyrocketing


    By Christopher Thompson Sure, we all know there’s always more fish in the sea. But there’s also plenty more plastic garbage. Since 1957, scientific gear used to measure plankton in the north Atlantic Ocean has been clogged by plastic trash some 669 times. Almost all of those snarls have occurred since the late 1990s, showcasing […]

  • Global warming will cause the world’s oceans to change color. Here’s why.


    Declining populations of phytoplankton, the basis of the marine food chain, will alter the seawater hues, potentially decimating fisheries. The world’s oceans are warming and growing more acidic as a result of climate change, and a provocative new study suggests they’ll be changing color too. Within a few decades, the study showed, regions of the […]
