Tag: proof of stake

  • When Blockchains Go Down: Why Crypto Outages Are on the Rise


    Berniesanders (not to be confused with former presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders) is an institution on blockchain-based blogging platform Steemit. Steemit allows content creators to earn crypto – at least, crypto that’s native to the Steem blockchain, of which there are three – for popular posts. While recent successes include waffle recipes, romantic […]

  • Understanding Ethereum Mining and the Need for a Stake/Proof of Work Hybrid Model


    By Laura Desmond Understanding Ethereum Mining and the Need for Proof of Stake.  Mining is the lifeblood of all POW based cryptocurrencies. When miners “mine” to form new blocks to add to the blockchain. Miners use heavy duty computational power to solve cryptographical puzzles to satisfy a difficulty level. Understanding Ethereum Mining and the Need for a Stake/Proof of Work Hybrid […]
